Every household deals with waste removal daily – whether that’s through emptying your indoor bins for your council’s weekly dustbin collection, by taking trips to your local dump, or by arranging for rubbish collection via a van or skip, but there are still many properties who dispose of their waste in an irresponsible way with no thought for the impact that they are creating. This could be due to a lack of knowledge or education on just how these irresponsible actions can take their toll on our environment, so allow us to walk through the most common negative effects in the hope that soon, all UK households will dispose responsibly!

There are three main forms of contamination which can take place if waste isn’t disposed of correctly. Each of these factors can lead to further damage for both living life and the future of our planet. These include:

  • Soil contamination
    One of the leading issues caused by improper waste disposal is soil contamination. This often leads to negative effects on both plant growth and health issues to animals or humans who feed upon produce or plants which have grown from the contaminated soil. This is where recycling can make a noticeable difference. From plastics and paper, to metals and electronics, waste centres allow for segregated recycling that can remove a large proportion of waste from landfill sites, preventing further soil contamination.
  • Air contamination
    Some items of commercial and domestic waste contain hazardous chemicals which, if not disposed of correctly, can be released into the air we breathe. Air contamination can also occur when certain materials from landfill sites are burned, emitting fumes and gasses that cause negative effects to our o-zone layer and resulting in health risks, such as respiratory issues, to those who may inhale these dioxins.
  • Water contamination
    When landfills are heavily occupied, hazardous wastes can find themselves being sunken into the ground and reaching water sources. These sources can be utilised for a range of requirements, from local watering supplies, to drinking water. If toxic chemicals are able to work their way into these supplies, the health of our local shrubbery, nature reserves and even our own health could be jeopardised. The route of the contaminated water can also flow towards marine life, causing them danger, and this water can often carry wrongly disposed waste, causing suffocation of harmful deaths.

For further information on how our team at Junk Taxi could aid you with the safe, efficient and responsible disposal of your domestic or commercial waste, get in touch with us today by calling 020 3092 2961 where we will be happy to help.

Junk Taxi

Call 020 3092 2961 to discuss your requirements with a member of our team. Alternatively, email info@junktaxi.co.uk. We’ll ensure that your rubbish, waste, or unwanted items are collected promptly and professionally.