
Living in the Royal Borough of Greenwich will award you with gorgeous green spaces and an abundance of attractions to occupy your time! If you’ve recently moved there, you won’t just be spending your time seeing the sights. You’ll also need to get used to the recycling rules… Contributing to the recycling venture will help the borough of Greenwich become more environmentally conscious – something we all need to be doing. Follow this guide on the recycling regulations in your area.

Convenient cost-effective collection every single time

Green topped bin – Food and garden waste in Greenwich

One of your main bins is your green topped bin. Collected weekly, this is what will house your food and garden waste. Residents of Greenwich can request a 6-litre kitchen caddy to store their food waste until it needs to go into the green topped bin. Corn starch and paper liners are available to go inside these caddies. Items that can go in your green topped bins are…

  • Fruit, vegetables, bones, meat, fish, tea bags and coffee grounds
  • Hedge cuttings, leaves and weeds, plants and flowers, straw
  • Sawdust, bark, vegetarian pet waste

You can not put these items in your green topped bins…

  • Compostable packaging and bin liners
  • Degradable or biodegradable sacks (these do not decompose fast enough for the method of disposal)
  • How this waste is disposed of

When your food and garden waste is collected, it will be sent to an in-vessel composting (IVC) facility, where it is turned into agricultural fertiliser and soil improver. This is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than incinerating the waste, and it also saves the public money!

Blue topped bin – Mixed dry recycling in Greenwich

Your blue topped bin will hold your mixed dry recycling. Your plastics will not be separated from the paper, it will be mixed in together. This makes it much easier for you to recycle without the effort of separating your items. All your items must be clean and free of food residue – people at the recycling facility go through your items by hand, and contaminated waste cannot be recycled. Collected once a week, these items can go in your blue topped bin…

  • Tins, cans, aerosols, and foil
  • Paper and card
  • Glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, plastic tubs, and trays
  • Top tip…

Put your recycling items into your blue topped bin loose. This cuts down on the use of single plastic bags, helping to take care of your environment.

Black topped bin – Non-recyclable waste in Greenwich

The items that go in your black topped bin will be the ones that can’t go in any of your others. Everything that is non-recyclable will go in here – if you are using your other bins correctly, hopefully there won’t be much to go in the black topped one! The items from this bin are collected every week, and go to an energy waste plant, located in Lewisham. Here, it is incinerated to generate electricity, so even these items can go towards making our atmosphere a better place rather than going to landfill. These supplies can be put in your black topped bin…

  • Disposable nappies, sanitary items, used tissues, broken crockery, vacuum cleaner waste and more
  • Your collection day

    Different areas of Greenwich will have their bin collection on different days, so make sure you know which day to put your items out for their disposal!

Recycling for flat residents in Greenwich

If you live in a block of flats, your recycling may operate slightly differently. You will have large, shared bins that are either located in a communal bin store, or on grounds close to the flats. Your mixed dry recycling will be in a large blue bin, and your general waste will either go through a chute system, or in a large silver or black bin. Flats above a shop will be supplied with sacks to put their rubbish out on their designated day, rather than bins.

Disposing of your bulky items: Reuse and recycle centres in Greenwich

If you have items in your home that you don’t know how to dispose of, your local reuse and recycle centre will come in handy. Greenwich’s local centre is on Nathan Way, SE28 0AF. These items can take your sofas, fridges, and other items that you no longer want in your home.

This can be inconvenient for some people, or they may not have the facilities to do this themselves. That’s where Junk Taxi can help. We can give you a bulky waste collection service in Greenwich to make your life that much easier, as well as offering rubbish removal services across areas of Greenwich such as Woolwich and Eltham. To benefit from our services, or for information about services in Bromley or Bexley, just give us a call. Contact us on 020 3092 2961 or email